Information material

Hint: Non-availability of English information material

Please note that the information material listed down below is mostly not available in English language at current time. This is due to that most of our degree programmes are still taught in German only. More English-language versions of these documents will be published when new English-language degree programmes start.


Project structure guidelines (German-language)

Bachelor Mechanical Engineering (BM)

Study and examination regulations (consolidated version, German-language)
Amendment statutes from February 7 2024 of the study and examination regulations
Study and examination regulations (German-language)
Study plan (German-language)
Module handbook (German-language)
Learning outcomes diploma supplement

Bachelor Hydrogen Technology (BWT)

Study and examination regulations (German-language)
Amendment to the study and examination regulations (German-language)
Study plan (German-language)
Module handbook (German-language)

Bachelor Hydrogen Technology Transnational (BWTT)

All information material about this degree programme can be found on the Campus Gate website.

Master Product Development and Systems Design (MPS)

Study and examination regulations (German-language)
Study plan (German-language)
Module handbook (German-language)
Learning outcomes diploma supplement

Bachelor Mechatronics (BMC and IMC)

Information material about both Mechatronics degree programmes (BMC and IMC) can be found on their respective website:

Website Bachelor Mechatronik (BMC; German-language)
Website Bachelor Mechatronics (IMC)

THWS basic regulations

Based on the Higher Education Innovation Act (BayHIG) passed by the Free State of Bavaria, the THWS has issued basic regulations that define the fundamental organisation of the university.

THWS basic regulations - 31 January 31, 2023 (not barrier-free, German-language)