
We sometimes use abbreviations and terms on the FM website and in study-related documents (e.g. study plans, module handbooks and application forms) that are unfamiliar or not very familiar to outsiders, prospective students and first-semester students. This page provides brief explanations, but does not claim to be exhaustive and is currently still under construction.

Terms and abbreviations generally used at the THWS (used by the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering)

Term/abbreviation Explanation
CP Credit Points; Equivalent to ECTS points; For details, please see below
ECTS (points) European Credit Transfer System; System for transfer and accumulation of academic archievements; 1 ECTS point represents 30 hours study work (visit of lectures plus its preparation and follow-up, preparation of module exams)
SWS German abbreviation for semester hours per week; Mandatory presence of students at the THWS per module for one semester week; 1 SWS = 45 minutes

Special terms and abbreviation used by the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Term/abbreviation Explanation
KM Specialisation module "Constructive Mechanical Engineering"
SIM Specialisation module "Simulation"