tecCafé - let's connect...

tecCafé is a place for connection, networking and support. We meet four to six times a year to grow together. There are talks, workshops and coaching impulses.

Are you a female technical student at the THWS? Then come along and relax in a cosy atmosphere!

Next dates

There are currently no new dates published.

Logo of the tecCafé project

Coaching impulses

The chosen topics are relevant to the participants' everyday academic and professional lifes. There is theoretical input, small exercises for self-awareness and easy-to-implement tips for practical transfer. The aim is to promote personal reflection, utilize the group as an important factor in this process and provide participants with self-regulation tools that they can easily implement in their everyday lifes.


Participants of the first TecCafé meeting at the StudyFAB Schweinfurt on the market square
Participants of the first TecCafé meeting at the StudyFAB Schweinfurt on the market square
Topics gathered by TecCafé participants