Internship abroad

An internship abroad is a good opportunity to deepen your language skills, gain intercultural experience and develop personally within the standard period of study. The experience of having worked abroad is ideal preparation for your professional career.

On the website of the International Office (HSIN) you will find an initial overview, international internship exchanges as well as information on applying and funding opportunities. The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) awards scholarships to students of all disciplines via the European Union's Erasmus+ funding programme. An overview of regular programmes, some of which also offer internships, can also be found on the page Application procedure and funding opportunities for studying abroad.

Once you have found an internship, speak to your internship coordinator at an early stage. Every company abroad must first be approved as a training company for the internship semester. In addition, the individual study progression and insurance cover must be clarified. Also take into account the processing time for scholarships and visa applications. You should therefore start your organisation at least one year before the planned start of the internship abroad.