Application procedure and funding opportunities

Step 1: Faculty-internal application

  1. Read thoroughly the information in the e-learning course "Auslandsstudium" (Studying abroad; bilingual - German and English)
  2. Contact the International Affairs Officer of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. Here you can clarify any unanswered questions, submit your documents (see below) and, if you are accepted, have your declaration of acceptance signed. For general questions that are not specifically related to your studies (e.g. funding opportunities, re-registration, etc.), please contact our International Office (HSIN).

Selection criteria

Places at partner universities are allocated according to the following selection criteria. These criteria are also used for selection for the Erasmus+ funding programme:

  1. Academic performance; Proven by submission of a current transcript of records
  2. Personal motivation to study abroad; Proven by a letter of motivation
  3. Other competences and commitment to university and society; Proven by your letter of motivation and, if applicable, further evidence (especially language skills)

Please submit these documents to the International Affairs Officer together with the declaration of acceptance. If the decision is positive, she/he will then return the signed declaration of acceptance to you.

Step 2: Organizational part and application to the International Office (HSIN)

Once you have successfully applied within the faculty, you register with MoveON using the signed declaration of acceptance and submit your application to the International Office (HSIN).

Financial support for studying abroad is tied to the application process and is possible via various programmes. For more information on that, please see the HSIN website.