Studying abroad as free mover

A common misconception is: "As a free mover, I have to take care of everything myself, whereas if I study at a partner university, the International Office (HSIN) and my faculty will take care of everything for me." Unfortunately, this is not true. In both cases, you will have to take care of the majority of your stay abroad (travel, accommodation, insurance, course selection, etc.) yourself.

At partner universities, however, the actual application process runs via HSIN (you still have to prepare the documents yourself). There are a limited number of study places reserved for the THWS, while as a free mover you have to send your documents to the respective university yourself and you are "one of many applicants" without a guaranteed place. In practice, however, this is usually not critical.

Where can I study as a free mover?

In principle, you can study at any university worldwide. Search the website of your chosen university for information on "incoming students", "international exchange", "english programmes" or similar terms.

Does my application as a free mover have to go through the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering or the International Office (HSIN)?

If you are going abroad as a free mover, you do not need to submit a formal application to the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering or the International Office (HSIN), as you have to organize the application process yourself.

However, it is necessary that you register with the International Office (HSIN) via the MoveON portal.

In addition, we strongly recommend that you contact our International Affairs Officer, especially for the transfer of records before going abroad!

Is it possible to have my academic achievements from my free mover studies abroad recognized by the THWS?

Whether you studied as a free mover at a foreign university is not relevant for the recognition of academic achievements. If you have taken courses at the host university that are transferable to your THWS curriculum, the respective coursework will also be recognized.

Be sure to inform yourself early enough in the e-learning course "Auslandsstudium" (Studying abroad; bilingual - German and English) on the recognition of academic achievements.