Information for prospective students

The degree programmes at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering combine solid basic knowledge with industry-oriented, in-depth training.

Currently we offer six degree programmes in total:

We cooperate with the German Jordanian University (GJU) on the Bachelor Hydrogen Technology Transnational (BWTT) programme, some of whose courses and examinations are held in German and English. For the Bachelor's degree programmes in Mechatronics and Mechatronics, we work together with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering.


Applications for first-semester students on Bachelor's degree programmes at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering are usually possible between 1 May and 15 July each year. The programme starts in the winter semester (1 October).

The application period for the internationally oriented Bachelor Mechanical Engineering (BMEE) degree programme begins on 1 April and ends on 15 June.

As the degree programme Master Product Development and Systems Design (MPS), unlike the Bachelor's degree programmes, can also be started in the summer semester (15 March), there is an additional application period for the first semester from 15 November to 15 January inclusive.

Deviations and/or extensions of the application periods are possible. For detailed information, please see the Department of Student Affairs (HSST) web pages and on the information pages of the THWS CampusPortal.